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Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University

Urban Environmental System Laboratory (KUEST) 



Name      Tomohiro TABATA

Title     Associate Professor

E-Mail    tabata"otto"

*Replace "otto" to @.

Degree    Ph.D. (Nagoya University, Japan)

Research Field    Urban environmental system engineering, life cycle assessment, renewable energy

Affiliation  Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University

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Research interest

My research aims to propose solutions for urban environmental issues taking into account the relationship between our social and economic activities and the environmental impacts. Especially, I focus on cities. Cities provide us various services such as work, education and leisure. But cities need natural resource inputs such as raw materials for providing these services, and then, environmental burden such as waste and carbon dioxide is outputted. My research conducts environmental evaluation to find solutions to minimize natural resource inputs and environmental burden from the viewpoint of the waste management, utilization of the renewable energy and improvement of inhabitants’ living activities.

Research methods

Questionnaire-Based Surveys, material flow analysis (MFA), life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), optimization model, geographic information system (GIS), simulation of future outlook (environmental burden and energy supply/ consumption) taking into account population and social change

Research projects

1. Renewable energy utilization


  • To evaluate environmental burden reduction effect and economic effect by introducing renewable energy system in Japan.

  • To evaluate social effect such as job creation by introducing renewable energy system in Japan.

  • To evaluate relationship between promotion of renewable energy and conservation of natural eco system.

  • To create appropriate residential heat and electricity utilization from MSW incineration plants.

Keywords: woody biomass, kitchen waste, photostatic, mega-solar, wind, job creation, economics, decrease of environmental and fossil fuel usage, island and Mt. Rokko 


2. Relationship between super aging society and environmental/energy issues


  • To Analyze the influence of increased aged person on garbage segregation.

  • To Analyze the influence of increase in aged households on household energy consumption.

  • To Analyze the relationship between poor households and energy consumption.

Keywords: aging society, aged person, poverty, lifestyle, household energy consumption, garbage segregation and trend analysis


3. Municipal solid waste (MSW) management


  • To create methodologies for estimating environmental and economic aspects of municipal solid waste management.

  • To analyze environmentally friendly MSW management measures such as garbage segregation, incineration plants and waste collection and transportation.

Keywords: municipal solid waste (MSW), incineration, recycling, food waste

4. Pre- and post- disaster waste management


  • To create methodologies for estimating potential waste disaster waste if severe natural disaster were happened.

  • To create life cycle assessment and life cycle costing methodologies for estimating environmental burden and treatment cost of pre-disaster waste management.

Keywords: natural disasters, earthquake, tsunami, land slide, disaster waste management system, Nankai-trough earthquakes, estimation of spatial distribution of the disaster waste and evaluation of countermeasures of the disaster waste management system

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